
Protect your children from «Facebook».

«Facebook» and other social networks, are pleasant but are dangerous, especially when used by minors who cannot protect them selves from the malicious intentions of some people.

Protect your company from «Facebook».

Problems created,since most employees are more concerned with «Facebook», andless attributive with their work.

Internet Blocked

It is a software which blocks the  «Facebook» and other similar sites and  user(s) can't use them.

You can prohibit easily your unwanted sites

Don't be afraid! THIS is NOT permanent. Neither will cause damage in your computer after the software “Internet Blocked” functions switch ON.

See one relative video making click here

Start the application:

You type a password access.

Below you add sites that you do not want present in browsers.

Site blocked, when click  “Blocked”. On the contrary if uncheck, site it functions regularly. It does not need you extinguish the line.


If it we do not want the “YouTube”…

You call from browser the “YouTube".

You are copied the address “”

You make paste the address in URL field.

And make click in the button “close”.

The next time, cannot enter in “YouTube”.

Restore what we made:

Run the «Internet Blocked»

This time we will be presented the form:


Here it should you type password you.

Then in theform withblocked sites,you unblock: “” Unchecking.

And make click in the button “close”.

Developer: Anastasis Seizis

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